Wall Street Prep

Reimagining Training for Quantitative Hires


Quantitative Group of Bulge-Bracket Investment Bank


Full Time Quantitative Analysts- New Hire Training

Population Size



Blended (Synchronous & Asynchronous)


Leading Global Investment Bank was looking to reimagine specific training content for its growing quantitative hires:

  • Growing number of quantitative participants in new businesses such as Electronic Trading, ETF Trading and Exotic Derivatives
  • Non-standard Markets background, with most participants having a programming background
  • Wanted elements of the training program to be directly relevant for the Quant population


Complete program redesign to a conference style approach:

  • Core Curriculum followed by Track specific Electives: Participants learned together in a core curriculum before being able to choose elective courses specific to their role.
  • Role-specific capstone project: WSP developed several capstone projects to replicate what the participant’s role once they are on the desk.
  • Online platform design: Wall Street Prep designed an online platform to facilitate the conference style approach, allowing participants to select courses, manage all virtual classroom links and files, and present results and scores to the L&D teams.


  • Participants loved the hackathon as it was a fun and interactive way to highlight all their skills learned in a multi-week training
  • Participants were able to understand how Python is used on the trading floor with tangible examples