What is the Best Financial Modeling Certification?
The Financial Modeling Certification designed by Wall Street Prep is the most widely recognized, “industry-standard” certificate available in the market for individual learners.
Wall Street Prep’s Certification in Financial and Valuation Modeling was established in 2003 and is available through enrollment in Wall Street Prep’s Premium Package.
To earn the certification, candidates must demonstrate practical financial modeling and valuation skills with the same type of rigorous, “hands-on” training used for new-hire training at leading investment banks and private equity firms.
Wall Street Prep Financial Modeling Certification
Wall Street Prep was established in 2003 and has grown to become the global leader in financial training.
Over 20,000 people enroll in Wall Street Prep’s Certification in Financial and Valuation Modeling annually.
So what makes Wall Street Prep’s Financial Modeling Certification the “industry standard”?
In short, this is a program that is actually used to deliver in-person training to leading investment banks and private equity firms around the world — all of which gets adapted into the Certification in Financial and Valuation Modeling.
Every other program on the market is only guessing what you actually need to know.
The curriculum covers a broad spectrum of financial and valuation modeling methodologies that represent the core skill set of a practitioner.
Candidates learn the steps to building a core 3-statement model, DCF modeling, and spreading trading/transaction comps, as well as more complex models such as accretion/dilution analysis and leveraged buyout (LBO) modeling.
Why Choose Wall Street Prep?
Wall Street Prep doesn’t just train individuals. It is the leading training provider for the top investment banks, private equity firms, and corporations.
WSP’s reputation makes the Certification in Financial and Valuation Modeling the most credible financial modeling program truly recognized by employers.
Students regularly attribute key milestones and career advancements to the real-world practical knowledge delivered through the program.
Is Wall Street Prep too advanced?
We get that question sometimes. The answer is — it depends.
If your goal is to skate through an interview, you’re going to learn more than you need with Wall Street Prep. But if your goal is to excel in your career, then you’re in the right place.
Instead of taking the approach of only teaching someone enough to pass an interview and to be viewed as “teachable,” we attempt to train our students to be as close to ready for the job as possible.
“Step-by-step, start from scratch” approach
Our philosophy for teaching complex material is that you have to break it down to its most simple elements.
That means building models starting from a blank excel spreadsheet and working step-by-step until completion.
The clear and “straight-to-the-point” instruction, while still remaining comprehensive, is our approach of choice and also why our clients choose us over everyone else.
What Makes Wall Street Prep Better?
A very good question to ask companies offering financial modeling certifications is what specific firms actually hire them to train analysts and associates.
The global investment banks and top institutional firms rely on Wall Street Prep to train their new hires and deliver practical skill development.
There are tremendous stakes involved in M&A deals and leveraged buyouts (LBO) facilitated by private equity firms.
And these are exactly the firms that hire WSP to train their new classes of analysts and associates.
That’s a testament to WSP’s training material and faculty quality and should be a key determinant when choosing a program.
A good question for other providers of financial modeling training is why banks do not bring them in to run classroom training? Believe us, they have tried (unsuccessfully)!
Wall Street Prep Certification → Job Offer?
Thousands of our graduates credited Wall Street Prep with helping them land their job offers since 2003 because we are passionate about one thing — giving you all the necessary tools to land a great job.
Upon completing our coursework, you’ll possess the necessary financial modeling skills and judgment to step into an interview room confident that you’re qualified and deserve to be there.

Everything You Need To Master Financial Modeling
Enroll in The Premium Package: Learn Financial Statement Modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO and Comps. The same training program used at top investment banks.
Enroll Today