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Financial Restructuring Free Course (11-Part Series)

This 11-part course will give you to a high-level overview of financial restructuring

Last Updated December 3, 2023

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Restructuring Course: Free 11-Part Mini-Series

In thisĀ 11-part free mini-course, you will learn about financial restructuring. The course is meant to introduce newbies to a high level overview of financial restructuring and set the stage for advanced analysis. The first few videos demonstrate using simple examples how companies find themselves in distress.

The next several videos illustrate how financial restructuring can be used to cure the distress. The last several videos dive deeper into priorities, valuation of firms under distress, and considerations for distressed debt investors.

Click here if you want to go further and learn how to model a real restructuring and bankruptcy.

Restructuring Course Material [Excel Template]

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Part 1, Introduction

Part 2, Simple Example

Part 3, Simple Example Continued

Part 4, In Court vs. Out of Court Process

Step-by-Step Online Course

Understand the Restructuring and Bankruptcy Process

Learn the central considerations and dynamics of both in- and out-of-court restructuring along with major terms, concepts, and common restructuring techniques.

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Learn Corporate Restructuring Online

Learn the central considerations and dynamics of both in- and out-of-court restructuring along with major terms, concepts, and common restructuring techniques.

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